You want to downsize, you know you should downsize, yet you delay. Why? You have a bad case of “affluenza,” or too much stuff to sort through, dispose of, and pack upbefore you move.It can seem overwhelming! And more than any other issue affecting long-term homeowners, the abundance of STUFF holds would-be downsizers captive.That’s the diagnosis, but what is the remedy? It’s simple (but not easy): T.O.T. or “Time on Task.” Your commitment to set aside a small increment of time to the task of decluttering, repeatedly and consistently, will net huge results over time!
Not convinced? Join our 30-Day Decluttering Challenge and see for yourself. When you sign up, you receive a daily Task, along with helpful Tips, to help motivate you and keep you accountable. And at the end, your name will be entered in a draw for our GRAND PRIZE: an overnight stay in Niagara-on-the-Lake! (Details to follow.)

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