From A Woman's Perspective: September 28th, 2024 "Dealing with Paper Clutter"
Friday Sep 27th, 2024
Managing paper clutter can feel overwhelming, especially for seniors who may have accumulated decades of paperwork. However, reducing clutter can help create a more organized and peaceful environment. Here are some practical tips to make the process easier:
- Start Small
Don’t try to declutter everything at once. In our workbook, “The Decluttering Battle Plan,” we suggest chunking the task into 25 minute sessions on a regular basis. This technique is known as “the pomodoro method,” and has been proven to provide maximum effectiveness when tackling a big job.
- Sort by category
Create four piles into which you sort as you go: keep, shred, recycle, and act on. This will help you quickly identify what to do with each item. The goal is to only handle each piece of paper once throughout the process. Be sure to listen until the end of our segment today for your opportunity to securely shred your documents on Oct. 5th.
- Keep like with like
For the important papers you intend to keep, further organize them by category. All medical records, insurance information, financial documents, product warranties and so on should go in clearly labeled folders in a filing cabinet, accordion folder or binder. Remember: File, don’t pile!
- Go paperless whenever possible
Most banks, utilities, credit cards and health records are now offered in digital formats. Opting for paperless billing can reduce the amount of paper coming into your home. If you’re comfortable with technology, consider scanning important documents so they can be stored digitally, allowing you to access them from a computer or smartphone.
- Know when to let go
Most people overestimate the amount of time they need to keep paper documents. For example, once you have confirmed the accuracy of your monthly credit card statement, there’s no need to keep it past the 45 day mark. ATM slips can be tossed once you’ve checked them against your monthly bank statement. Utility bills and phone bills can be shredded after you’ve paid them, unless they contain tax-deductible expenses. Uncertain what to keep and what to toss? Why not ask for your copy of our “Paper Clutter Throw Away Cheat Sheet.” This simple one page guide will help you be wise when you have the urge to purge. Visit our website, and go to the blog section to download your copy.
- Purge papers regularly
Set aside time every couple of months to review and discard papers that are no longer needed. By dealing with paper clutter on an ongoing basis, you’ll prevent an avalanche of activity if and when you decide to move. You’ll benefit in the shorter term also by having the peace of mind that comes from knowing where to find important documents should you need to.
And speaking of peace of mind, we have a fundraising event coming up on Saturday Oct. 5th that allows listeners to bring their unwanted documents for secure, while-you-wait shredding! We have hired a shredding truck to come to locations in Richmond Hill, Aurora and Markham. The event is free of charge, but we are collecting cash donations in support of CHATS or Community Housing and Transportation for Seniors. Visit our website or call me, Sharon, at 416-460-5636 for more information.
So that’s it, Marilyn. My name is Sharon Parenteau, and this has been your SMART Realty Solutions for today.
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